Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Birthday to me...Early

Well, Friday is my birthday. I have not been able to decide what I want because the only thing I really want is scrapbook supplies which my husband thinks I have enough of. Little does he know...LOL...Well, today I gave myself an early birthday present. I went to the movies. All by myself. Just me, myself and I. And what did I see you ask........only the sexiest movie around.......the only movie where you can drool and cry in the same scene......the only movie that has women 12 to 99 crushing on the main character.....what movie is that you ask???? Why Twilight Saga..New Moon of course. was fantastic. I cried and cried and cried, but that made it even better. The theater was full and I went at 11:15 in the morning. Imagine that. But now I have a dilema. I have been crushing on Edward Cullen since I read the first book. Well, now after seeing New Moon, I am wondering if it is possible to be crushing on two people in the movie. Jacob Black is nothing less than HOT in this movie. Yes this is coming from a married woman with children. But I must not tell a lie. He definitely changed from the sweet little Jacob in Twilight to just a straight up hottie in New Moon. I don't know if that has to anything to with the fact that he put on 30 pounds of muscle between the two filmings or the fact that he runs around shirtless with those abs showing for most of the movie. Well, Happy Birthday to me...Happy Birthday to me....It was a great birthday. The only thing that would make it better would be to be Bella back to reality....Have a great day.